Evaluating FeatureHub with simple Docker example

If you are just curious to see how FeatureHub works and would like to play with it before deciding which of the installation options are right for you, start with running this simple line:

on Mac or Windows:

docker run -p 8085:8085 --user 999:999 -v $HOME/party:/db featurehub/party-server:latest

on Linux:

docker run --network host --user 999:999 -p 8085:8085 -v $HOME/party:/db featurehub/party-server:latest
$HOME/tmp is where you wish to store the database (h2).

If you wish to enable Slack integration or use encryption in your local database, add the option: -e webhooks.encryption.password=<random-password> - where random-long-password is a made up key, like you would get from a password generator. This is used to ensure secure third-party tokens are encrypted when in the database. See configuration documentation for more details.

An alternative is to use the Docker Compose based evaluation example.

You can watch the video with some instructions here or follow the instructions below.

This is what will be running:

Option 1
the dotted edge represents the container boundary.

The database embedded inside the container storing its files on your local disk.

This will start FeatureHub Admin Console on port 8085, and you can now register as Super Admin, then create Portfolios, Applications, Features, Service Accounts, set permissions etc.

Once you have done this, you can then simply run the example app that comes as its own docker container, so you don’t have to create sample app and add SDK code yourself. The example project consists of a back-end service (Node) and a front-end sample app (React) with some sample features already in place.

Running the example app

The example will need to know the Client eval and Server eval SDK API Key of your application/environment (which you can create in the FeatureHub Admin Console, following the docs here), and it will need an IP address that the example docker image can get access to. Find your en0 ip address (you can type: ifconfig en0 - choose the inet address. Do not use localhost as that will not work)

# set the Client eval API key used by the example server, e.g:
export FEATUREHUB_CLIENT_API_KEY="default/82afd7ae-e7de-4567-817b-dd684315adf7/SHxmTA83AJupii4TsIciWvhaQYBIq2*JxIKxiUoswZPmLQAIIWN"
# Set the Server eval API key used by the React front-end, e.g:
export FEATUREHUB_SERVER_API_KEY="default/d8ba747d-7d3c-4454-9c58-130390848412/5EE3vua1NqY0ez6Zd4TXU7XnsZdAPHtR96XaDmhfegitKGiQ9aCdmtmeNUNPubkRZLJLUUpaC7b05ELk"
export MY_IP=192.168.XX.XX
export FEATUREHUB_EDGE_URL=http://$MY_IP:8085/


on Linux, replace the last line with:


This will kick off the example React app that can be accessed on port 5000. It will also start the "back-end" Node server that runs inside the container on port 8099. Experiment with the sample app - add a few todo’s using "lower case" letters. If you create a feature flag in the FeatureHub Admin Console called FEATURE_TITLE_TO_UPPERCASE, unlock it and set it to true. Add another "to-do" and see how items now being served in "upper case" letters. This flag is affecting the Node backend service as this is where the feature is implemented using Typescript FeatureHub SDK.

Now in the FeatureHub Admin Console, if you create a feature of type "String" called SUBMIT_COLOR_BUTTON and set its value to cyan, you will see the "Add" button will swap to cyan colour in near real-time.