Monitoring your copy of FeatureHub
FeatureHub uses the industry standard Prometheus standard for metrics. Each of the different services (the Management
Repository, Edge and Dacha) all provide metric endpoints at /metrics
to allow you to setup how you would like
to monitor.
We would like to include some standard Grafana dashboards as well at some point, and some recommended alerts.
In this document we will go through each of the services, starting with a section on what is common for all the services.
Party Server, Party-Server-ish and Edge-REST are an amalgam of MR, Dacha and Edge in different forms, so if you are running Party Server or Party-Server-ish, you will have the combined metrics available to you. Edge-Rest exposes Edge metrics. |
Common Metrics
All applications have the ability to set an endpoint specifically for metrics and health checks. It is recommended you use a different port to the one you expose to the outside world so the outside world does not perform metrics checks or health checks on your server instances.
The configuration setting is metrics.port
and the endpoint is /metrics
Logging metrics
All log levels have Counters associated with them, so:
Metric |
Type |
loglevel_trace |
Counter |
loglevel_debug |
Counter |
loglevel_info |
Counter |
loglevel_warn |
Counter |
loglevel_error |
Counter |
A recommended metric is to alert on error level logs, you should not have any. |
REST API endpoints metrics
All API endpoints have Histogram metric around them The names of the endpoints are derived from the operationId’s in
the OpenAPI document, and will not have a prefix unless you specify the system property or
environment variable of `prometheus.jersey.prefix
For example, if you wanted to create a metric around the login
method in case of repeated attempts at logging in,
then looking at the metrics you would see this:
# HELP login_histogram Login to Feature Hub Histogram # TYPE login_histogram histogram login_histogram_bucket{le="0.005",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.01",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.025",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.05",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.075",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.1",} 0.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.25",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.5",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="0.75",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="1.0",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="2.5",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="5.0",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="7.5",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="10.0",} 1.0 login_histogram_bucket{le="+Inf",} 1.0 login_histogram_count 1.0 login_histogram_sum 0.132269205
Furthermore, this metric also counts the number of 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx endpoint responses that occur from your API endpoints, allowing you to put alerts to see if there is an usual trend in these metrics.
Metric |
Type |
Name |
2xx response count |
Counter |
response_2xx_total |
3xx response count |
Counter |
response_3xx_total |
4xx response count |
Counter |
response_4xx_total |
5xx response count |
Counter |
response_5xx_total |
JVM Metrics
The Java Virtual Machine also exposes a collection of potentially useful metrics for each process that will allow you to monitor what is happening.
Metric |
Type |
Name |
The number of objects waiting in the finalizer queue. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_objects_pending_finalization |
Used bytes of a given JVM memory area. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_bytes_used |
Committed (bytes) of a given JVM memory area. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_bytes_committed |
Max (bytes) of a given JVM memory area. (1) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_bytes_max (} |
Initial bytes of a given JVM memory area. (1) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_bytes_init |
Used bytes of a given JVM memory pool (2) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_used |
Max bytes of a given JVM memory pool. (2) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_max |
Initial bytes of a given JVM memory pool (2) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_bytes_init |
Used bytes after last collection of a given JVM memory pool. (2) |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_collection_used_bytes (3) |
Committed after last collection bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_collection_committed_bytes (3) |
Max bytes after last collection of a given JVM memory pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_collection_max_bytes (3)) |
Initial after last collection bytes of a given JVM memory pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_memory_pool_collection_init_bytes (3) |
Time spent in a given JVM garbage collector in seconds. |
Summary, Count |
jvm_gc_collection_seconds (4) |
Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. |
Counter |
process_cpu_seconds_total |
Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds |
Gauge |
process_start_time_seconds |
Number of open file descriptors. |
Gauge |
process_open_fds |
Maximum number of open file descriptors |
Gauge |
process_max_fds |
Total bytes allocated in a given JVM memory pool. Only updated after GC, not continuously. |
Counter |
jvm_memory_pool_allocated_bytes_total (2) |
Used bytes of a given JVM buffer pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_buffer_pool_used_bytes (5) |
Bytes capacity of a given JVM buffer pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_buffer_pool_capacity_bytes (5) |
Used buffers of a given JVM buffer pool. |
Gauge |
jvm_buffer_pool_used_buffers (5) |
Current thread count of a JVM |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_current |
Daemon thread count of a JVM |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_daemon |
Peak thread count of a JVM |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_peak |
Started thread count of a JVM |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_started_total |
Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors or ownable synchronizers |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_deadlocked |
Cycles of JVM-threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_deadlocked_monitor |
Current count of threads by state |
Gauge |
jvm_threads_state (6) |
VM version info |
Gauge |
jvm_info (7) |
`area = "heap" or "nonheap"
pool = CodeHeap 'non-nmethods', Metaspace, odeHeap 'profiled nmethods', Compressed Class Space, G1 Eden Space, G1 Old Gen, G1 Survivor Space, CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'
pool = G1 Eden Space, G1 Old Gen, G1 Survivor Space
gc = G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
pool = mapped, direct
runtime, vendor, version = e.g.
jvm_info{runtime="OpenJDK Runtime Environment",vendor="AdoptOpenJDK",version="11.0.11+9",}
Management Repository
The Management Repository has some special metrics of its own designed to allow you to determine if things are working, and flowing properly. All of these are in the Party Server as well unless otherwise specified.
Feature Publishing
Features are published in FeatureHub to NATS channels. These metrics are designed to allow you to ensure that the features are flowing correctly and if there are issues with how long it is taking to publish data - in case there is some configuration issue.
We have also included a counter specifically for errors in publishing. These counts will also show up in the log metrics under the error count, but it allows you to target alerts specifically for them.
Metric |
Type |
Name |
mr_publish_environments_bytes |
Counter |
Bytes published to NATS for environment updates |
mr_publish_features_bytes |
Counter |
Bytes published to NATS for feature updates. |
mr_publish_service_accounts_bytes |
Counter |
Bytes published to NATS for service account updates. |
mr_publish_environments_histogram |
Histogram |
Histogram for publishing environments |
mr_publish_features_histogram |
Histogram |
Histogram for publishing features |
mr_publish_service_accounts_histogram |
Histogram |
Histogram for publishing service account |
mr_publish_environments_failed |
Counter |
Failed to publish to NATS for environment updates |
mr_publish_features_failed |
Counter |
Failed to publish to NATS for feature updates. |
mr_publish_service_accounts_failed |
Counter |
Failed to publish to NATS for service account updates. |
Edge Metrics
Edge exposes a number of metrics specific to SSE,
Metric |
Type |
Name |
edge_conn_length_sse |
Histogram |
Indicates how long SSE connections are being held open. |
edge_sse_active_connections |
Gauge |
Indicates the number of active SSE connections there are. |
edge_get_req |
Histogram |
Indicates the time a connection is being held open for an Edge GET request. |
edge_testsdk_length_test |
Histogram |
The amount of time, number of, etc requests for updating features via Test SDK API. |
edge_stat_failed_X |
Counter |
A counter for the number of failures related to publishing Edge stats |
edge_stat_published_X |
Counter |
A counter for the number of failures related to publishing Edge stats |
edge_publish_time |
Histogram |
Amount of time it is taking to publish stats |